I’m Jason’s friend and I obliged to ‘guest blog’ for our Mr Jason here for one day. He did me a favour today, so I am writing this in return for his favour.
HMM.. what should I scribble in here.
How about I start by writing about Jason, since this is his blog anyway, who else can I write about right? Haha. Well, according to my old and rusty memory (I am 81 years old:P), I got to know this dude through mutual friends, the usual hi and byes. However, there was one time where we really got to speak to each other, which was at the KTM station and eventually became quite good gao wans. I still consider him as a good friend although he constantly reminds me that I am fat and ugly and terencat akal without fail every single day. He also thinks that my mother accidentally dropped me when I was a baby that’s why I am who I am now. Thank you Jason -.-
Well, throughout the short duration I’ve known him, I think that he’s one helluva great friend lah. Though stubborn at times, and evil, and ego, and wicked..(ohh, I’m having fun at this, I can go on and on but I think I’ll just stop hereXP) he’s still nice. People, don’t be deceived by his physical, he’s harmless. HAHA
I think he’s sort of going through a hard time now after you-know-what, so here’s to you Jason, “CHEER UP YEA!”:B hoho
Ok, seeing that this blog also lacks photos, let’s try to upload some to humiliate Jason make this blog more lively. Muahaha.
Acting cool eh....
OMG dude! when was this pic taken ah? you looked so innocent here^^ LOLZZ
and last but not least..
JASON ACTING CUTE!!! HAHAHA this pic is EPIC man!! looooool
Alright folks.Enough of laughing alrdy. It's not nice to laugh at people you know..:D
Ok, that's all for today. Till next time!(or maybe not) SEE YA!!
Signing off,
Lil' Miss Sunshine
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